My memory

Bill Elwood Jr

Bob always had a way of making me feel better about myself when I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. He knew when to tell a joke to make me laugh and when just to be a friend.
We rode many calls together for the Warwick Ambulance Corps. He instinctively knew what to say when we had a bad call and got me to talk about it. The one thing he pounded into my thick head was to never let me forget that I was important.
He never let me live down the events of one call on Church Street.  I lived on Forester Avenue directly across from Church Street.  Because of vandalism in Warwick I would always take my green light out of my car and take it in the house with me and when we had a call I would take it with me to put it back in my car for the call.  This call was only four houses from me so I decided to run down the street instead of taking my car. I had my green light with me and when the ambulance arrived I realized what I had done.  I tried to hide it in my trauma bag, but it was seen by the crew members who arrived.  Bob never stopped teasing me and when I would show up at the bay with him for a call he would give me a funny look.  He would let me think about it for a few seconds and then ask me why my green light was still in my car.
I will never forget the time we spent together and the positive influence he had on my life.
Bill E.